A Multidisciplinary Quarterly International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal

UGC Approved Journal No.- 47168

Print ISSN:

2231 – 413X

No. of Issues Per Year:


Print Frequency:


Start Year of Journal:



Social Science and Humanity


Dr. Reeta Yadav

Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Chief Editor:

Dr. Shashi Bhushan Poddar


It is a matter of faith which is the foundation of every relationship. Faith depends on the quality of work which comes after co-operations, supports and systematic planning towards goal. Although, the relationship among I and the persons related to this research journal directly or indirectly already exists but due to having a faith and quality in work, this relationship could be able to maintain its dignity always. I hope that this relationship will remain continue in future as the upcoming issue of this research journal covers different boosting topics. I wish the study of this issue would guide all the readers, participants in building of their academic carrier. With these assurances, I pay my gratitude and thank to all the participants, readers and other persons related to this research journal for their valuable supports.

Chief Editor: Dr. S. B. Poddar


The progress of an academic research journal depends on its subject matter inside. “Shodh Prerak”, a multidisciplinary quarterly international peer reviewed refereed research journal, is sincerely concentrating and providing a qualitative subject matter since very beginning till now. We incorporate only that matter which may help the readers of this research journal to come forward in building up their carrier in different fields of knowledge. It could only be possible with the beliefs of our broad range of readers who participate from different parts of country and abroad also. With the help of our readers, participants, we are moving further in achieving the goal of this research journal. It is the efforts of all persons related to this research journal through which a research journal family is building day–by-day. The various topics involved in the upcoming volume of this research journal would provide guidance to all the academicians in a comprehensive manner. We are always careful in providing better services through this research journal yet the suggestions from readers, participants are always welcomed. We really thank to all our readers, participants and the entire team members of this research journal for their effective participations and contributions.

Editors: Dr. Rita Yadav & Dr. Pradeep Kumar

Upcoming Issues

Paper Invited:

Paper is invited for forthcoming issue

July 2021

Cover Page